Super Excited and gum

So I’ve forgot to mention this my last few posts-
Guess who sold hair ties to a certain Tiger Spirit store on 9th street in CoMo? That’s right, me! They bought a bunch of gold ones to sell, then after all their others have sold, the owner is planning on buying my three packs seen here:


I must say, it feels pretty awesome to know that something I’ve made is being sold in a legit store.

Also, the schools Booster Club in the town I live in is going to be selling 2-packs of my hairties in school colors. So excited!  They have a HOOPS-NIGHT tomorrow night and will be selling all kinds of apparel and my hair ties.  So I’ll let you know how they go over!

Now-on to some paper-y items!  It’s been far too long.

Anita came over yesterday and we hit the ground running.  She had gone to SAMS and bought 90 packs of gum so that we could make gum holders for all of our kids’ classes.  They will hand them out the day of their Halloween parties.  They are gonna love them. At least they better!

We each needed about 40, so we made a total of 80 gum holders.  Lets not talk about how long it took us.  Lets just say it was time consuming and there were two yummy meal breaks involved.  Thanks to Anita for bringing McDonalds for breakfast.  I love me some McD’s in the morning!

So here is some pics of the finished projects.


You just pull on the ribbon or hemp and it “pulls” the sleeve of gum out of the package.





These turned out so much cuter than I even thought they would.

Thanks to Anita for doing this with me….I probably wouldn’t have ever done it by myself.   Even if I did get the motivation, it wouldn’t have been near as fun as it was with you, a little CCR, and of course a jazzy Vanilla Ice.  And we can’t forget the cherry on top— trying to figure out what a fox says. lol ( Sorry-you had to be there)

Also-shout out to my friend Amy J for giving us the inspiration for the gum holders.  Thanks for the idea!

Peace out yo-

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